Lay men and women selected to serve at the liturgy by reading the Word of God.
To see a copy of the schedule, click here.
To request substitutes or make changes to your profile, you must login to the ministry scheduling system.
A copy of the guidelines for lectors can be found here.
Contact the Office of Liturgy at 301-530-1550 or send and email to [email protected]
Lay men and women who assist with Communion distribution at Mass. Service as an Extraordinary Minister is for a term of three years, which is renewable. Training takes place in the Fall.
To see a copy of the schedule, click here.
To request substitutes or make changes to your profile, you must login to the ministry scheduling system.
Contact the Office of Liturgy at 301-530-1550 or send and email to [email protected]
The ushers welcome arriving congregants, assist in seating, take up the collections, distribute bulletins, and help in emergencies.
Questions? Contact John Cassel:
[email protected]
Boys and girls (age 10 and older) and families are eligible to assist the priests at Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Training for new servers takes place in November.
To see a copy of the schedule, click here.
To request substitutes or make changes to your profile, you must login to the ministry scheduling system.
Members of the Altar Guild work mostly "behind the scenes". There are several teams included in this ministry that include:
1. Altar Linens - laundering of linens used for Mass
2. Art and Environment - watering and caring for the church plants and flowers
3. Candles - Replacing used votive candles with new candles
If you are interested in joining one of these teams, please call the parish office: 301-530-1550.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word has resumed at the 5pm Saturday Mass. During Mass, children ages 4 through 8 are escorted to the Scanlon Meeting Room by adult and teen volunteers, where they celebrate the Liturgy of the Word with readings, music, and crafts adapted to their age and ability. Adult catechists lead the liturgy and then give a reflection on the readings and supervise the crafts. Volunteers are always needed.
For more information, or to volunteer, call the parish office at 301-530-1550.
Volunteers will need to have a routine background check as well as attend an archdiocesan Protecting God’s Children seminar.
We are in need of volunteers to help as Lectors, Cantors, Ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, Choir Members, Sacristans and Altar Servers. If you are interested to serve in these roles or have already served in the past, please help by offering your ministry again. We will help with getting you ready for these important tasks in our worship of God. If you are interested to serve or return to serving in one of these ministries, please contact Dr. Giuliano Grisi via email at [email protected] or by calling the Parish Office at 301-530-1550. For more information on each of these available roles, or to obtain a print-ready Liturgical Ministry Interest Form, please click HERE.
If you are already a Minister at St. Jane de Chantal, please log-in in Ministry Scheduler Pro to reserve your spot.