The Gabriel Project crib will be in the Church narthex this October during Respect-Life Month. Throughout the month of October, please support the unborn babies, their toddler siblings and their mothers and fathers in need by filling the crib generously with essential items. Click to learn more!
Join the Evangelization Committee for the first installment of this year's Evangelization Lecture Series. Saturday, September 30th from 12pm-1:30pm in Caulfield Hall. Attendance is FREE and a light lunch will be served. Fr. Morgan will analyze some of the key points and concepts from Pope Francis' June 2022 Apostolic Letter, Desiderio Desideravi. It will seek to help us all have a more profound encounter with Christ in the Liturgy and give us ways to live Liturgy outside of the doors of the Church. Click to learn more!
Does your child attend a Catholic School other than St. Jane de Chantal and needs to receive their sacraments at our parish? The Sacrament Only Formation Registration is Now Open! Click here to view our Religious Education page and see the various program options open for registration.
In celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Jane de Chantal Church is holding a blessing of trees and animals on October 1st. The blessing of the memorial trees (those dedicated from the Memorial Tree Project of the parish Environmental Committee) will be at 11am in the school grounds, and the blessing of animals and pets will be between 2-3pm at the Mary Garden. Click here to learn more!
Father Morgan will hold two more altar server training sessions in Church, on Sunday, September 24 at 4:00, and again on Tuesday, October 17 at 5:00 pm Click for full details!
Back by popular demand. This year the scripture groups will take a "Great Adventure" :through the Bible, from the creation of the world in Genesis to the creation of the Church in Acts. Starting the week of October 1 study groups will meet weekly to learn more about how God reveals his plan through the Bible. Each meeting includes group discussions and a video featuring noted biblical educator, Jeff Cavins. Click to learn more!