Join with us for an evening of Eucharistic adoration Monday, November 4, from 7 - 8 pm. Together, let us pray for peace and unity in our country, in our state, and our own local communities.
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be celebrated on Monday, December 9. Recently this November, Cardinal Gregory has granted that Catholics in the Archdiocese of Washington are dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass on this day. While this dispensation is available, all are encouraged to take advantage of the graces of the holy day, by attending Mass or by engaging in other acts of prayer, charity, and Christian witness. On December 9, Mass at St. Jane will be celebrated at 8:30 am, and at 7 pm. Click for more.
Saturday, November 2 is All Soul’s Day. In commemoration of all the faithful departed, Mass will be celebrated each day during November for the All Souls Intentions. If you wish your beloved deceased relatives and friends to be remembered in these 30 Masses, please use the envelope found in your monthly mailer packets or those available in the church narthex tables. If you contributed to the All Souls Intentions using Faith Direct and wish to provide the names of your deceased family and friends, please use the envelopes available in the church narthex and write “Faith Direct” on the back flap side of the envelope.
Join the Evangelization Committee on Sunday, October 13 in Caulfield Hall, after the 10am Mass as Brother Pius Henry O.P. talks on “The Scriptural Foundations of the Mass” focusing on our love and deep devotions to the Holy Eucharist. Attendance is FREE but registration is encouraged. We hope you can join us for this wonderful discussion opportunity. Please CLICK HERE to register.