Do you enjoy praising God in song? We invite you to share your musical gifts, and be a part of our parish’s diverse and exciting Music Ministry. You can become a member of the Parish Choir, the Cantor Guild, or the Contemporary Ensemble. This year the Parish Choir will return to singing on Sunday, September 8th during the 10:00 am Mass. Weekly rehearsals are from 7:30-9:30 pm in church beginning Thursday, September 5th. Interested? Click here to learn more!
Registration is open for this school year, 2024-25. All teens attending public AND private high schools are welcome, and will build lasting relationships with the parish and have meaningful experiences including serving parish ministries and communities, adoration, missions, and bowling! Click to learn more!
Does your child attend a Catholic School other than St. Jane de Chantal, and needs to receive their sacraments at our parish? We welcome any 2nd or 8th grader who needs to receive their 1st Reconciliation (2nd grade), 1st Holy Communion (2nd grade), or Confirmation (8th grade) at St. Jane de Chantal Church this school year. Click to learn more!
Does your child attend public or a non-Catholic private school? St. Jane De Chantal Children's Faith Formation program partners with parents to help their children develop a committed relationship with Jesus Christ, to accept the Christian message, and to live out their Catholic faith with service to others. We will again have classes for children in 1st grade - 8th grade. Registration for 2024-25 Faith Formation classes open this July! Click here for more details.
Aside from cash or checks, the parish office now also accepts mobile pay, tap-to-pay, and credit/ debit card transactions for Mass Intention Stipends. Click to learn more!